Sunday, April 17, 2011

Some Changes

   Veterans and their social groups continue fighting for their rights in other words for their benefits. Even though they have been protesting for their benefits for years, the only thing that has change drastically is the respect for them. The Veterans have gained respect through the hard fighting, resistance and victories. They had the courage of risking their life for the respect and rights of their country.

  The major change that this soldiers have contributed, is to the Veterans Day, celebrated in honor of America's past and present soldiers. All started when President Woodrow Wilson, in 1919, proclaimed November 11 as Armistice Day. This day was declared in honor of the tragedies of WWI. Armistice means “a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement between the opponents”. In 1938 the day was designated as a national holiday. After  WWII and the Korean War, during which 436,000 Ameriacans died, Congress considered that day to commemorate veterans of all wars and later in 1954 it became Veterans Day.
In Honor of our Veteran (Veteran Day)

In other words, the veterans should feel proud of the work they have done and the respect that they have gained. But here comes the problem; yes they are respected but the respect do not pay their bills and the necessities that they have. To this day they are still waiting for the full benefits that they deserve and they will keep fighting for those benefits. At least they have our respect!!!!!!!!!

Raising the Flag at Iwo Jima
This statue represent those soldiers
who risked their lifes to defend the U.S.

Proud of being an American an proud of fighting for our country.
This is the message that all veterans give to us
Lets give them their rights

Veterans Day
History of Veterans Day

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