Mariah's Blog: Mariahs blog is very colorful as soon as you enter her blog you really want to read its content. What surprised me the most was the article about an immigrant woman who used a stolen security number to work in a poultry processing plant in the United States. Here you can get informed to the point the immigrants were capable of in order to immigrate.
Carolina's Blog: From this blog I read about the Irish history. I found out that the laborers from Ireland were paid about one fifth only of what could be obtained in the Unites States. Other factor and the one that led many people to immigrate was the potato famine. The consequences of the potatoe was that many people suffered and died from starvation pushing them ti immigrate.
Gaby S. Blog: The video was very surprising. You could see how the officers stop and detained those who they thought were immigrants. This act is very unfair and racist because just because you look some way doesn't mean you are from that culture. We all are equal and we all deserve equal rights and respect.
Nicole's Blog: From the video it is shoking to see how hard people live and the desperate to immigrate for a better life opprtunity. One of the bad things about immigrating was leaving all the things you owned back there at your homeland. Maybe after alot of hardworking and sacrifice you had to abandoned everything in one day just to have a better life. At least it was the best they could do. Immigrate and have an easier life.
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