Friday, March 25, 2011

Whites Acting Superior against Native Americans

     As soon as the American settlers invaded the Native American lands by the early 1800's, their superior ego was notable. This was shown through the mistreatment  and violence against the Indians. By avidly wanting the Indians to assimilate into their culture and forcing them to give up their lands. Through all the acts they committed, no deference was shown toward Indians.

    Indians had no options neither freedom of speech. The arrival of the whites to Indian lands together with their armies and weapons grew panic among Indians.  The tragedy at Wounded Knee is the most descriptive event that shows exactly the randomness of violence and mistreatment that the Indians faced. It all started when  the whites asked the Indiams for their weapons. Meanwhile a group of soldiers were surrounding the area with canons. One single shot started the whole tragedy. All the fighting ended in less than one hour, where 150 Indians were killed including women and children. After all, with no respect, the whites accused the Indians of starting the Massacre.
Indian Lands (dramatic irony) these lands are going to be taken. lands

Indians were not just attacked, they were also forced to assimlate the white culture. Through assimilation it is shown that white peop[le thought that their culture was the special one to follow. Assimilation involved the changing of names, the way they talked, the way they dress, in other words a complete different lifestyle. The changing of names was a difficult step for the Indians. A good example is the assimilation of Charles at Wounded Knee(Lakota) He became a white man but his heart still belonged to the Indians. It was very difficult for him to forget his ancestry. One memory that he remembered the most, was when his teacher forced him to change his Indian name into a Christian name. This again was another example of not showing respect toward Indians.
Its lamentable how  the lands were sold and give out and removed from the INDIANSLands

   Last but not least, the removal of Indian lands. Everyone knows that the Indians were the first to settle on those lands of Lakota. When white arrived near those lands, thgey acted as if they were the real owners. They didn't took in consideration that Indians were already there. On the second offer that Henry, representative of president Grant, Indians were in a position where nothing could've been done. Red Cloud's tribe was forced to give up their lands for a certain amount of money per calculatred Acres. The consequences of not accepting the treaty were that their race would perish. If the whites had a little of mercy among Indians, they would at least respect their lands and leave their superior ego.

    In other words, the whites showed no respect toward Indians. From the mistreatment on reservations, to assimilation and the removal of lands. Although the government helped helped them on reservations by providing them food, clothe, money etc., their lives will never be the same. All these memories will be part of them  and will be carried by them through the rest of their lifes.

An example of the bad conditions the Indians were left.lands

Indian Lands

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